Much like our Portland weather - outlook Bleak


Overlooking South waterfront area, Snow on Hood

Since my last blog, Ruth rebled again.  I had gotten a phone call that they were about to pull the breathing tube, and 40 minutes later I got a call she bled so they left her on the ventilator.  Since then she has redeveloped shock and blood/fluid in her lungs.  With blood products and time, her bleeding has about stopped, but now her liver is going bad.  They're not sure why she's in shock this time exactly, as no organisms have been identified.  Multiorgan Failure is never good.  Doctors continue to tell me they don't think she will survive without a miracle, and even if she did, meaningful recovery would be unlikely given the time she's been on life support.  Well, since Ruth is starting out a genious, at worst we'll be equals now.  Ok bad time for humor but you got to during times like these (especially those who know me well).

On a more serious note:  I continue to hold out hope, pray, and ask for a miracle.  I know the doctors are doing their best; in fact I know the ICU doctor who is caring for her now (he once worked at my hospital), and he told me he's giving Ruth 110% of his effort to give her the best shot at survival.

Things look bleak, much like the Portland weather as shown above, but there's still beauty in the grand scheme of the bigger picture.

I'm about to take my parents out to the Columbia Gorge to see the color and all the waterfalls.  If you've never been to the northwest, you need to. It's beautiful out here. 

Thanks for continuing to follow this blog.  I know it's hard to follow and honestly if things go South, I'm not sure if I will be able to continue blogging or not.  I think knowing myself, I'd like do so to give not just me, but everyone following, a little closure.  


  1. Roy, do not give in to despair. God is with you and we are as well. We love you.

    Eric & Stephanie

  2. We love you~ Ruth, Roy, Naomi, Scout, and Family! Lifting you all in God’s hands for healing, wisdom, and power. ❤️❤️❤️
    Love, Cindy

  3. Praying for you all--thank you Roy for keeping us updated even though I know it must be so difficulty. Praying for that miracle and that Ruth and the whole family will be surrounded by peace that surpasses understanding. Carol E

  4. Thanks for your heartfelt posts; praying for all of you! –Carey

  5. Roy, I think your blog posts are fantastically well written, and I am so amazed and appreciative that you take the time to write them. I have you and badass Ruth in my thoughts all the time. Take care of yourself too!

  6. Continuing to send you all so much love. Praying for a miracle for Ruth.

  7. We love you, Ruth and family! Praying for miracle for Ruth and peace for your whole family! Roy, thank you for all your updates and sharing this difficult journey with us! God is with you always, and He will take care of your family no matter what will happen!🙏🏼❤️

  8. we will continue praying & asking for big miracles for ruth! -the larsens

  9. Your spirit and fortitude is such a blessing. Praying for endurance (w/ as much humor as is required).

  10. Roy, we appreciate you for being vulnerable and taking the last of your energy to keep us all appraised of Ruth's dire situation. Today I had a clear vision that God literally has her battered physical body cradled in the comfort of His/Her loving and gentle hands- the safest place to be right now and that also the Holy Spirit is ministering to her deep in the recesses of her soul. There is not a second of her life that God is not holding her close. Praying you and your family also feel God's love and comfort for you all as well. In Christ, Jane

  11. hurting and praying with you, Roy. Following every blog post like she is my own family.

  12. Praying for that miracle. Love to you all. 🙏💗

  13. Roy, Dorrie here (can’t figure out password). I am hoping and praying that Ruth will return to you and Naomi. All three of you been so strong, fighting the good fight in this unfair battle. Sending you all much love from here. Ruth… don’t give up!

  14. Roy, I am waiting to board my flight to Boston. I sincerely hope a miracle will happen for Ruth! I want to thank you and your parents’s kindness and generosity to ask me to stay in your beautiful home while I was visiting Ruth.

  15. We continue to pray for all of you. We love you. Tim and Mel

  16. Jesus has His arms tightly wrapped around all 3 of you. May His passionate love and healing comfort pour out upon you, Naomi, and Ruth.
    Here if you need anything my brother.

  17. Praying for miracles for Ruth! May God’s Love surround Ruth, Naomi, and Roy with comfort and endurance. We love you- Jack, Jen, Juliet, & Joule

  18. Sending our love and prayers to you, Ruth and Naomi. Hope is all we have so let’s keep hoping for a miracle ❤️❤️❤️.
    Love Jess and David

  19. Praying for Ruth ❤️🙏🏼

  20. We are praying for a miracle in Jesus' mighty Name and by His Blood. We will never give up and lpressing on with you for the Hope He holds out. Lord, our eyes are on You. Rise up in the Spirit and ressurect Ruth's organs and frail body with YOUR Stength & power of this divine Love you've been putting on display in & through Roy for all to see & believe! Bob & Ito

  21. Thank you for the updates. This is heart breaking but don’t give up
    hope. Miracles DO happen!!

    Sending prayers and lifting you up with strength to continue to be such an amazing support to Ruth. ♥️

  22. Miracles do happen, Hoping one finds its way to Ruth. Such a beautiful woman and what a fighter. Love to you and your family… I’ll pray for all of you.

  23. We are constantly thinking of Ruth and praying still…


  24. Prayering for a miracle 🙏🙏

  25. Christine (Liu) TangNovember 15, 2023 at 9:34 PM

    Roy, Praying for Ruth and you and Naomi.


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