Nearing the End

    I only have difficult news to give you all. Though Ruth’s lungs were improving and bleeding improving, her liver proved to be full of adenovirus. Between that and the high levels in the blood, her medical team felt that the antiviral treatment they were giving was not working. Moreover the antiviral drug suppressed her bone marrow to a point she was severely neutropenic (a type of white blood cell) again, even with meds to stimulate neutrophils. They held another family meeting. Ruth’s family and I made some final decisions, including not giving up just yet and at least trying to let her immune system come back to fight the virus (stopping the antiviral, weaning down steroids, then weaning down her antiRejection drug). Her doctors don’t think this will help, and I do agree that it may be too little too late. At least I know I’ve tried everything. 

While we had the window of opportunity, we took Ruth off the vent today. She is extremely weak and cannot communicate other than by blinking and the occasional nod. She is breathing hard on high flow oxygen. We had a chance as family to spend time with her while she retains some level of consciousness. I don’t know how much time she has left, but we will not be putting her back on the ventilator for a third time.

I believe she’s in God’s hands now, and pray He provide her comfort and peace with the time she has left.

Thank you for all the messages and prayers. 

Love you all. 



  1. My prayers are with Ruth, Naomi, and you Roy.

  2. Continuing to pray for all of you. May God give you His peace no matter the outcome. May you sense His presence and compassion.

  3. Dear Roy, Naomi, Ruth, and family: We are so sad to hear this news. We know you are doing all the right things for Ruth, but maybe God has other plans. Maybe God has embraced Ruth, Naomi, and you, is holding all of you close. Love to all of you. ❤️💕❤️💕 Dorrie and Shuguang

  4. Oh, dear friends. We are so heartbroken by this news. She has run her race so beautifully and so well, and you have run it so unfailingly by her side, Roy. Our tears and prayers are with you, Naomi, Kathy and Wu Mama. We love you so much, Ruth. -CJ & John

  5. So saddened by this update. Sending prayers for healing, strength and peace to you all ❤️

    Gladys & Clay

  6. Praying for God to continue to hold Ruth, Naomi, and you, in the very palm of His hand. Praying for peace, comfort, and an overwhelming amount of grace. Sending you all of our love. Melenie, Tim, and Olivia

  7. So very heartbroken over this downturn, Roy. Continued prayers for Ruth and all of you as you wait on God. Pray for peace and comfort during this very sad time. It is now up to Him. If ever we needed a miracle, it is now. In the name of Jesus, we ask for one.

  8. We’re praying for you all. Embracing you in love and the fullness of God’s grace through this worldly journey.

  9. may the lord cover you & ruth with his strength! will continuing praying for a miraculous healing. sending hugs. -the larsens

  10. I’m so sorry. Continued prayers🙏🏻 for Ruth and your family. I can’t imagine what you’re all feeling. Sending big hugs to everyone. ♥️

  11. Knowing you and the doctors have done everything possible for her recovery is key. Peace lies there. Still, this is terrible, rotten, horrible news. Prayers for a calm transition for Ruth, her family and all who admire her.

  12. Prayers for peace for Ruth and you all. May the Lord’s love continue to sustain Ruth in this life and into the next, if that is His will now.

  13. I'm so sad to hear this news. Sending you all lots of love, peace, and comfort. I still hope for a miracle, but if that is not to be may the transition be a peaceful one. 💜

  14. Dear Roy and family, may God strengthen you all and reward you for your unfailing care and love to Ruth. You have all fought hard. We wish so much it didn't have to be so rough on all of you.

  15. Being present and showing love to her in Ruth's last moments is doing what she needs right now. It is very much doing everything you can for her. God who loves her is ever present with her and may you gain that supernatural strength to accompany her to the very end of her journey on earth as Jesus welcomes her into his warm embrace and free from pain and sorrow. God be with you and your precious family.

  16. So saddened by this news. Wishing for peace and freedom from any pain for Ruth, and sending strength and love to your entire family. You truly have all been navigating this jorney every step of the way with her, and we know Ruth is surrounded by all the love of her family & friends. <3

  17. So sorry to hear this. We are heartbroken for your family and praying for peace and comfort. Thinking of you all. -Rob and Nancy

  18. Praying for peace comfort for the whole family

  19. We continue to send our love and prayers for you all. There are no words to express our heartbreak and sadness for the family.

    We love you ~ Joel, Lisa, and thr kids.

  20. Oh Roy, how difficult it must have been to write this. I cannot imagine the pain you are going through. But know that there are many people out here praying for Ruth as well as you, Naomi, and your family.


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