Ready, set...

Sunsets in Manzanita
Hiking in Mt Hood territory
Concert with Naomi's friend

We were ready and set. The bags had been packed, schedules cleared and hotel and ferry booked, all we had to do was get up early in the morning and hit the road for a last minute trip to Victoria BC, one last hurrah before we had to buckle down for the long haul and begin the transplant process on August 9, which was only 7 days away. Unfortunately, instead of a ferry ride to Vancouver Island, I ended up in the OHSU emergency department with a fever of 101 that morning.

The weekend prior I had begun to get chills with low grade fever, it was a bit worrisome with the transplant being so close, but I was just really hoping it would just go away so that we could get away to Victoria. However Wednesday morning I woke up with the fever of 101, and when you're a leukemia patient, and when the transplant is just a week away, we couldn't take any chances, so off we went to the ED. Dr. Leonard's plan was to get me admitted into the hospital so that I could get a bronchoscopy asap in order to rule out anything that was rare and potentially dangerous. In the end, streptococcus pneumonia was determined to be the cause of the fevers and coughing. The treatment is a weeks worth of antibiotics. 

This has also all led to much bigger changes in the overall transplant schedule. I just got the call today that because of the ongoing lung issues, transplant would again have to be delayed. Results on the bronchoscopy samples and blood cultures take anywhere from days to weeks to grow so as results come in, the doctors will determine when my best chances will be. The original date, August 9, would be more dangerous than not. Its a delicate and complicated game that we're playing. I am just thankful that in the end, we're not the ones in control, but God is. 

Even though this past week has been disappointing, I am also thankful. On Tuesday I signed papers at the doctors office, essentially acknowledging and accepting the risks of the upcoming transplant. Afterwards Roy asked how I was feeling compared to a couple of months ago  (I had to sign similar papers in Seattle and almost jump ship on the transplant because it was so scary). I told him I was okay and definitely felt more at peace, something that I had been praying for. 

Last but not least, Naomi was able to get into a special 1-week camp for kids who have loved ones fighting cancer called Kessum Camp happening at the end of this month. We are very grateful that she got in, because initially she was only on the waitlist, but it seems like our social worker/ counselor put in a word on her behalf, and said, "if anyone needs to be at this camp, its Naomi." We are hoping it will be a fun and safe place for her to share her experiences with other kids going through similar situations and develop some lifelong relationships. Right now, she feels she's the only kid with a sick mom. 

Thank you again for reading, praying and journeying along with us as we go down this road. As the date get closer and is confirmed, we will need people to step up and help in various ways. We hope to get some of these logistics figured out soon. As for now, just trying to enjoy the beautiful summer that we've had and to get as healthy and strong as I can for the battle ahead. 

Much love, Ruth


  1. Ruth we are so sorry to hear of the delay but we are praying for you and are ready to help in whatever way we can! XOXOXO Eric and Stephanie

  2. You are truly an amazing woman, staying strong and faithful in this journey. God has the perfect timing for everything. Sending prayers and hugs to you - Heny

  3. Hi sweetie, I don't know how I missed this. I kept checking, and you have been growing on my heart everday, so finally this showed up.
    Very glad you all have been having family time.
    Just thinking what a blessing our college friendships were, and will be, since we are all in different states for now.
    I love you, and cherish doing life with you at u of o j

  4. Thanks, Ruth for sharing your journey with us! You inspire me as how you respond to your circumstance with faith in God that He is in control and your love for your daughter! I’m praying for you for miraculous healing, strength, and peace from the LORD! With love and hugs, Lynda

  5. Thank you for the updates Ruth. We’ll be praying for you all.

  6. Wow. I must have missed a lot. So glad Steph sent an email. I didn’t even know you’re back. I will watch for more information and come visit when you’re up for it. Prayers and hugs all around. Praise God for His provision. He is indeed the only one in control. Ruth


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