
 This morning when a I went to go visit Ruth, she made eye contact for the first time in a week. One of the first things she said was, “I’m in a different room.” I told her yes, she’s been in this room almost a week. She doesn’t remember being in the ICU at all. When I told her it was September 22, she didn’t really respond or ask questions. She’s still spacey and doesn’t say much. I haven’t filled her in on details yet, because so I don’t  think she’d grasp it yet. I’m pretty sure she’d be upset to find out she’s on dialysis. She hasn’t noticed the new dialysis catheter across from her Triline yet either. I’m waiting for a better time to catch her up, perhaps after another session of dialysis. 

Doctors are still watching her liver function, which has been up and down. Being a Friday, the radiology schedule was too busy to do a liver biopsy anyways. Now they’re saying Monday if she needs it.  

So this is the latest. Thank God that her mind is coming back at least. She’s getting a day off dialysis, and will dialyze again tomorrow.

Keep praying for her liver to improve, and for her bone marrow cells to engraft. Hopefully it will happen this week. 

Dialysis machine. 

Awake enough to look at get well cards from Naomi’s class 


  1. covering you guys with prayer! -the larsens


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