Correct that...First Big Mountain

     Over the last 24 hours, Ruth's conditioned worsened.  She ended up requiring lots of oxygen (requiring something called high flow oxygen) and being transferred to the intensive care.  She just underwent a procedure called a bronchoscopy, where a camera is put down into the windpipe, and samples taken.  Doctors think she has diffuse lung hemorrhage, possibly from the stem cell transplant conditioning regimen, or from underlying pneumonia with sepsis.  They are putting her on high-dose steroids, and continuing antibiotics until they can rule out/rule underlying infections from the sample they took.  They are giving her platelets.  Her course will be tenuous going forward.    There was worry she'd end up on the ventilator after bronchoscopy, but fortunately, it went smoothly and she just remains on high-flow oxygen and may even transfer out of the ICU tonight or tomorrow.  She's just waking up from anesthesia now, seems to breathing ok, is talking but pretty weak.  I've barely slept and am heading home.  Thank you for your prayers and all the support. 

    Don't want to leave you on a down note, so here's a picture that will make you smile:  I snuck Naomi onto the  4th floor balcony of an adjacent building before Ruth went to the ICU and both got to see each other for the first time in weeks.  See pic below, taken by Ruth from 14th floor.


  1. Standing with you in prayer! Must be so hard for all of you…

  2. Holding you all in constant prayer. Is there anything the school community can do to support at this time? 💗Katie Price

  3. Praying for God's strength and power to sustain and be with Ruth through this trial. Jesus is with you all!

  4. Continuing in prayer for Ruth and family! God is faithful, and He will do it!


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