DAY +4

     It took 4 days before Ruth felt a thing.  For the first three, I kept asking her:  "Any fevers?  Are you feeling alright?"  The answers were "no" and "just fine."  For a bit, I was wondering if she even got any stem cells because the doctors told us she'd likely start having fevers within a day or so of the transplant.  This occurs when her new immune system revs up and says "Whoa, who's body is this?  It looks like Kathy but isn't exactly...Attack!"  Doctors anticipated this, so they gave Ruth more chemo the last 2 days to help temper this attack.  Today, Ruth started having fevers for the first time, and some GI symptoms as well (probably from her first week of chemo taking effect).  Her counts are bottoming out so this is the danger period for infection, bleeding, etc.  The doctors did start antibiotics for the fever, just in case.  This is all expected, so we're not overly concerned.  Tomorrow, Ruth starts immune-suppressing meds as well. Then it's a matter of biding your time, waiting over the next 3-4 wks for the stem cells to "engraft" and multiply.  In the meantime, the care team will be vigilant about stamping out infection(s) as they arise. 

I asked Ruth if she's feeling institutionalized yet, and she says not yet.  She's been trying to go for frequent walks around the floor, playing a little ukulele (borrowed from a friend), knitting, when there's down time.  Today, she slept a lot and ate little.  I think this is more the norm for transplant.  

We continue to appreciate those who have visited to help her pass the time. We appreciate the ongoing prayers.  Thanks to all for helping drive Ruth's mom, keeping Naomi busy, helping me get groceries, walking the dog, etc.  I really do feel like there is a village taking care of us.  Some of you have asked what am I doing to keep myself sane?  Pickleball.  If you ask Naomi, she'll say I'm addicted...there's no arguing that :)


  1. It was so good to see you and praise God for your incredible state….grateful. You are such a brave and strong soul…thanks for inspiring us.


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