Day Zero - Transplant

I wanted to send out a quick update on Day Zero -- Transplant Day. Looking back so much happened to make this day happen. From the time I noticed something wrong with my health at the end of January, to yesterday, when bone marrow cells, more precious than gold, were delivered to my room and hung onto the IV machine, already prepped and ready to enter my body. While the actual act of transplant itself is rather uneventful, the emotions and anticipation associated with the arrival of the 800 ml bag of bone marrow carried so much more significance. 

My sister Kathy had been under complete sedation while they extracted the bone marrow from her body that morning, and once recovered she walked into my room along with mom just a couple of hours before the bone marrow itself arrived. Still not fully recovered, Kathy had to lay down and rest as The Wu Sisters were together again for yet another life changing moment in our lives and a day I will never forget. The love my sister showed yet again in the giving of herself, so fully, against every cell in her, so that I would have a chance at life once again can only be described as love--complete love. This morning I was able to talk to her again, and it was good to hear how much stronger she sounded. Pray that she would continue to heal both quickly and fully.

It took approximately 6 hours for the bag to drip into my veins. During that time we walked down the halls, played Rummikub, ate dinner and did some crafts. Who would've guessed that you can walk and get transplanted at the same time?! In the meantime, Naomi is still at her camp and I am missing her already. 

As you know, while I have not shared every moment on this platform (nor do I think you'd care to hear it all) I have shared as much as I felt was appropriate and comfortable and will continue to do so. My faith is NOT perfect, but my God is. It is He who has given me peace these last couple of weeks, to walk as faithfully as I can, knowing that He leads me. The journey is far from being over, and there will be many more valleys to overcome; and it will be Him who carries me through. 


  1. Ruth, How amazingly wonderful that you have a sister who was able to take a major role in saving your life…not only once but again. Truly special. Yes, God leads and will continue to lead during this challenging time ahead…but just focus on little step at a time and just hang onto Him. 💛

  2. Thank you for sharing. Your and Kathy’s amazing love surpass sisterhood..sending prayers that God will heal you both quickly❤️


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