Sigh of relief

Ruth wanted to update everyone last night but sorry I’m only getting to it now.  Here’s the latest update as far as the information I have from last night. 

She’s recovering from the Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage and is requiring much less oxygen. Why the sudden turn around? For me it was nothing short of a miracle and answered prayer. I watched her progressively get worse and was almost certain she’d get eventually put on a ventilator. Then it seemed things suddenly peaked and started to improve. 80%,of people die of this. So whether you call it luck and she rolled the dice and landed on the other 20% or believe there’s a greater power at work, I leave it to you, the reader. For those praying, keep on doing so. We can only ask and trust in God’s divine will.  As a doctor who works in the hospital setting, I’m also realistic and know that some diagnoses just suck and follow a certain course.  We’re built human and none of us live forever.   For all you readers,  I’ve come to realize it’s pointless worrying. It’s detrimental.  We just have to maintain hope.  So find your hope in something.

Anyhow, sorry to get preachy. That’s how I feel right now and it’s my Blog.  

So Ruth’s battle is far from over. She’s still awaiting engraftment, hopefully soon. Doctors are still treating for possible pneumonia that incited the bleeding. Worrisome now is through all these events, her transplant kidney (from 2001) is on the edge of needing  dialysis. Also doctors noted a potential abnormality in her liver function so are looking into it - there’s a known liver complication from bone marrow transplant they are watching for. Ruth actually had it 4 years ago. I’m not going to say what that entity is yet because it may be nothing and I don’t want you all Googling scary things unnecessarily.,

Anyhow it’s 7am and my alarm just went off. Got a big day ahead. I get to take Naomi to the first official soccer game of the year, then to an acting audition for kids. One of my co-workers found it and invited us, and  will be watching Naomi afterwards when I go visit Ruth.  I’ll keep you posted once I get more information today.


  1. Thanks for the update Roy! Our prayers will continue to come. Love and hugs all around.

  2. Praying for you Ruth ❤. Janeen

  3. Thank you so much for your updates, Roy and Ruth! Praying for you all, Ruth, Roy, Naomi Mama Wu, Kathy, and your whole family! ❤️ Our hope is in the LORD, Who made the Heaven and the earth! Our hope is in Jesus, Who has conquered the grave, sin, and death! Nothing is too hard for the LORD! Shalom to us all!

  4. Praise to the Lord on the respiratory front! From perspective as "supporting friend" I was just as astonished moving from a sense of desperation (learning of the pulmonary hemorrhage diagnosis) to relief (Ruth is not on a ventilator and actually moving out of the ICU!). Reminded yet again to not lean on our own understanding but in all ways TRUST in the Lord. A lot of people are praying and that was a powerful and clear answer to prayer. let us continue to heavily cover Ruth and family in prayer! Steph

  5. Thank you for making time to share- praying and sending love. Katy, Ryan, joah and Quinn

  6. Thanks for the update! So glad for the positive change. Thinking of all of you and sending ❤️ your way. - Jackie

  7. Thanks for sharing, Roy. Praying for Ruth❤️! Jack

  8. Thank you Roy for this update. Big sigh of relief indeed. Grateful for turn of events. Continuing our prayers to our God who knows infinitely more than us. Ruth, we love you!


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