The First Big Road Bump

 Just a couple of days ago Ruth had written about how smooth things had been going for in the post-transplant period, even as her counts (white cells, red cells, platelets) have been at a low.  Yesterday, the statistics caught up with her and she hit her first road bump.  We were told to expect one if not several infections during her stay.  So yesterday, she  developed fever and low blood pressures due to sepsis and was started on antibiotics.   She was given lots of fluids and blood products to stabilize her.  This morning, she was put on oxygen as a chest Xray shows she developed pneumonia.  It seems like her oxygen requirement has been stable today so far.  We're waiting for the infectious disease, pulmonary, and kidney doctors to render their opinions as to next steps.  For now, she is mostly sleeping (like right now), without much appetite.  She is also pretty weak.  I'm hoping and praying this will all turn around in the next few days.  The silver lining is she got to leave the floor for a CT scan, her first time off the fourteenth floor in nearly 3 weeks - she said it was a nice change of scenery.  At least she's trying to maintain a sense of humor.  

I'll do my best to keep you all posted with any major changes.  



  1. We continue to lift Ruth to The Throne, as well as you and Naomi!

  2. Ruth... I'm holding you in my thoughts and prayers. ♥️

  3. Wishing you the best! Be strong Ruth!

  4. praying for you guys!

  5. Thinking of you all and sending lots of love and prayers ❤️

  6. Thinking of you all and sending you strength and love!

  7. Praying for you dear sister Ruth. The Lord be with you.

  8. Ruth, I am praying for you! When you are in a better state I will come visit you. God has you in his safe and loving hands!

  9. Thanks for sharing this - praying 🙏🏻

  10. Praying and thinking of you and your family.


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