Fighting for her Life

 I’m keeping this one short. In the last 48 hours, Ruth’s condition turned for the worst. The adenovirus is in the blood, lungs, and colon and she developed ARDS- when protein fluid spills into the air sacs. This is similar to what happened to all the COVID patients who went to the icu early in the COVID days. She is now on a ventilator with high ventilator settings and needing 2 medicines to keep her blood pressure raised for septic shock. There’s not much room to budge left. I thought she might not make it through the night but she has now stabilized somewhat with a little more room to budge. 

Her life truly is in God’s hands at the moment, and the hands of the doctors and nurses who are vigilantly an valiantly taking care of her. We can only continue to pray and hope for recovery. I know regardless of outcome, Ruth will be where she needs to be, whether with me/us or her Maker.

I probably won’t post for a while. Many people are texting. I found myself half responding to texts, half actually being present for Ruth. So today I will limit my responses and just be with her and family. I think I’ll also be limiting visitors to mostly family for now as well. 


  1. Prayers and all the healing thoughts coming from PDX.

  2. Sending prayers to Ruth and your family! My heart is hurting for you! My sister was a close friend to Ruth in high school, Kim Huber and I’ve been letting her know too.

  3. Prayers for Ruth and your family.

  4. Prayers upon prayers flooded in your direction💗

  5. My thoughts and prayers to your family and most especially Ruth. God is in control

  6. Oh Roy, please know that everyone here at PSV is holding you and Ruth and your family in our hearts 🙏

  7. Sending love to you.

  8. Sending my love to all of you. -Mrs. Marron

  9. Sending you all lots of love and prayers for Ruth's healing 💜

  10. Sending Ruth healing energy and surrounding you all with lots of love.

  11. I just put an ask for prayers to my prayer chain, there are a lot of us holding you all tonight in prayer. God be with you, Ruth and Naomi.

  12. Praying for strength, peace and comfort. Let us know if you need anything, Roy. With love,
    -Ryan, Katy & fam

  13. Sending prayers and and lots
    Of love.

  14. Prayers for Ruth to be comfortable and not in pain, and for you Roy, as you sit by her side. Thank you for taking such good care of her.

  15. Roy, Tim, Olivia, and I are lifting Ruth, you,and Naomi to The Throne. We love you.
    Mel, Tim and Liv

  16. Praying for you,Ruth, and Naomi

  17. Praying for you and your family at this time.


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