Trying to see the Forest through the Trees

 Ruth is currently in the deep dark forest, emotionally and physically. No yummy mushrooms for her to forage, just darkness.  It’s hard seeing her this way. She tells me she just wants to go home and you know what (fill in the blank). 

I’m not going to name her current complications, but Nephrology, Hepatology, Gastroenterology, Pulmonology, Infectious disease are all involved now in addition to her Hematology team. 

She feels like no end is in sight, no matter what she’s been told. 

Now looking down on the forest from above, her white count is normal now.  Her platelets look like they’re also beginning to engraft.  So she should be able to fight off the infection(s) that are attacking her and bleeding issues should improve. Her breathing issues are manageable but currently she is stuck between a rock and a hard place as far as treatment - details I’m not going to get into. This whole “periengraftment” period can be difficult because though your immune system is in, it’s what’s causing havoc now. Unrecognized infections that have been festering are now being recognized.  Because of immune suppressants to keep rejection in check though, it’s hard to fully battle these infections. I think Ruth just needs time as immune suppressants are being weaned and her new marrow continues to strengthen. I hope and pray the scary part is truly behind us. 

Now we’re really trying to deal with the emotional part.  It drags all of us down. Music, rides outside, seeing Naomi and even Scout hasn’t helped.  Thanks to all who have tried to cheer Ruth up.  The team has started meds but they will take time to work.  I know the Ruth we all know and love is in there and will be back. 

I hope to take her mushrooming in the real forest before  Season’s end.

We were given 15 minutes to leave the floor after arguing with the team to let her get some fresh air and see Scout
My first haul of the season 


  1. Would she like some chicken congee sometime? I can bring it by next week. Just lmk. Jane

  2. That’s rough…glad to hear the engraftment is working but still must be rough to see her that way; praying she’ll get to go enjoy mushroom hunting soon! Hope to go with you guys again soon :)

  3. Hang in there! The multiple HSCT complications can be difficult, but the biggest battle (engraftment) is won! Focus on celebrating that win. Sometimes the postengraftment period comes w/ a lot of cytokine fluctuations causing an array of seemingly unconnected clinical manifestations (fevers, pulm infiltrates, other focal inflammation) which improve over time.
    May God continue to wrap His arms around you 3.
    Feel free to call me.
    Ken Poon

    1. Thanks Ken, we’ve been told about this difficult post-engraftment period. She can’t see past it though at the moment, but we’re all just trusting God to carry her through.

  4. She is an inspiration. And so are you, Roy. There is so much light projected from darkness, and I pray you are right that the worst is behind you all.

  5. What a tough time you all are going through. I can't image the pain Ruth must be in. Ruth's recovery can't come soon enough. Standing alongside you all though this tough time. You all mean so much to me with your welcoming and warm friendship. Thank you for being awesome,

  6. Nobody will ever know and understand what you are going through. I am without words but I hope you find comfort and peace through this time both physically and emotionally. Today I am praying for you and Ruth. John T.


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