

     Ruth is trying to rally again...with a big BUT...  She is almost off the ventilator and her septic shock has resolved.  She is maintaining her own blood pressures.  Her lung and GI bleeding have stopped even though her adenovirus levels in the blood or still undetectably high.  They've backed off sedation and her mind is not fully clearing.  I think it is because between liver failure and ICU delirium, it might take a while for her brain to wake up.  Her eyes are open but that's it - "the lights are on but nobody is home."  Speaking of liver failure, that's the big BUT and her next big hurdle.  Doctors couldn't figure out why (they have about 4 big guesses as to why) so finally did a biopsy yesterday.  Her bilirubin is over 20.  For you medical people out there, that's really high.    I am anxiously awaiting results.  If I had a vote, it would be toxic injury to the liver from a drug, many of which they stopped.  The other possibilities aren't good ones to have but I won't get into it unless she proves to have one of them.

    During the last few days of "stability," I know some of her closest friends got to visit, read to her, talk to her, and pray with her.  I'm sure Ruth really got to appreciate that.  Ruth is still battling and the fight is not over yet.  She just needs to get past this liver insult as her next step.  Unlike a dialysis machine for her kidney (which she remains on continuously) and ventilator for the lungs,  mechanical assist-devices for hearts (which thank goodness her heart has been fine), there's no machine to support the liver if it completely gives out.  So doctors just need to get to a diagnosis and get it treated ASAP.

    As for me, I continue to pray for her.  I'm taking my daughter Naomi and my parents to the beach today and overnight to recharge, as Ruth's battle is dragging on.  Thank you for continuing to follow all the up/downs of Ruth's battle.


  1. Been worried and constantly praying for her especially since the last post. Hang in there guys, and I hope the time away brings you refreshment and renewed strength.

  2. Roy, thanks so much for the updates even though they are so challenging to write. So thankful Ruth is continuing to fight the good fight —I have this image of Jesus walking with her and running interference! Blessings on you all, Carol E

  3. Continuing to pray for Ruth, and for all of you as she continues to fight

  4. May Jesus continue to wrap His arms tightly around you, Ruth, and Naomi. I pray for His glory to be manifest in the form of healing for Ruth. I pray for Him to provide strength and comfort for you and your daughter.

  5. This morning I kept thinking and praying Exodus14:14 for her—“The Lord will fight for you, you have only to be still”. May the God who know every structure of every virus and organ continue to fight for her as she heals-hugs to you all, Carol


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