
 Quick update: Ruth really seems to be turning the corner now, maintaining her blood pressure on her own, and needing minimal vent settings. They held her sedation briefly and she did some eye opening and moved her limbs, the first movement in days. 

I just found out she did grow a mold and a bad bacteria called MRSA from her lungs in addition to the adenovirus, so there could be more than one culprit to her sudden determination the other day. Not sure which of those are causing trouble or just hanging out in the neighborhood. 

Regardless, on broad spectrum antibiotics and antifungals, she is improving. 

My parents also arrived in town to help share the burden and care for me and Naomi…just as Portland public school teachers went on strike yesterday. 

Whew…on multiple levels!  Many prayers were answered.

Her team my team bracelet I made today with Naomi. 
My team took hers down in basketball a few years back. Her team took down mine in football last year. 1 and 1 so far. 

Beautiful fall day. View from ohsu looking upon the tram, Naomi and Ruth’s mom favorite way up the hospital to visit.,


  1. Whew, is right! PTL Thank you for this update, will continue praying on all fronts. –Carey

  2. Amazing news. Praise the Lord for each day and this mercy. We are still praying!

  3. Psalm 143:8
    ‘Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.

  4. Praising God as we continue to ask for healing and grace to pour over Naomi!

  5. Praise God, what a relief to hear! You have an army of prayer in your corner. And we will keep on praying! #TeamRuth all the way! —John & CJ

  6. Praise the Lord!! His mercies are new every morning. Continue praying for all of you 🙏 -Heny

  7. Praise the Lord!
    May He continue to bless Ruth, you, and Naomi!

  8. Yay! I knew it!! Ruth’s a badass!!

  9. so thankful that she is improving. Pawzilla's got this! And thanks Roy for sharing the little bits of beauty you are able to see in such a challenging time--praying for all of you--Carol


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